For those who may have missed reading about my current topic of living as an expat in Amsterdam here it is. Well, okay it may be a bit brief but newsy with a touch of frustration.
Two weeks ago I was picked up at the B&B I was staying at near Vondelpark to go to the Expat Center for my appointment with the Immigration Authorities to be followed by another appointment at the Tax Authorities for my Social-Fiscal number. So off we went to the Expat Center to get a sticker (free to work, no Work Permit required) in my passport and the granting of the "Residence Permit" with a "letter in writing" as described by my handler. What my handler did not tell me until the day before the appointment that I needed to provide a passport type of photo to the Immigration Authorities. I just had packed one before I left home so that saved some time (more about the picture in a bit).
First I must introduce my handler by describing his physical appearance as a middle aged man who has not missed many meals nor wine. TR is a gentleman in the old World sense. He in a fashion is also an expat being a Dutch National born in Java. A double for Peter Ustinov but Dutch. As with many of the cars in the Netherlands he drive a small compact that he barely fits behind the steering wheel of. Even Annette the sweetheart landlady at the B&B, who is also well fed, called him a a very heavy man when he came to the door.
Off we drove to the Expat Center which can only be described as a very modern glass building located in the WTC (World Trade Center) in Zuias district. The Zuidas is also known as the 'Financial Mile'. Lots of international bank buildings located nearby and each also a modern architectural marvel. We arrived and were offered a cup of coffee or tea served with a stroopwafel. I was given a bag with lots of adverts for things expats would want like bicycles and health insurance information and a very heavy book filled with more expat information. So we waited and waited at the Expat Center with many other expats with handlers waiting for some official to come get them. Our appointed time had passed and TR was starting to fidget as we needed to get to the Tax Authorities before noon as they were a government office and closed at noon. Then we were called, at last. Now in the US my last name is often mis-spelled but here in the Netherlands it is recognized as possibly being Dutch (MeesPierson is a very old Dutch banking institution and there is the Allard Pierson Museum here as well) so I get many queries about it. And yes my paternal family originated some where in Belgium and were Flemish but beyond that I know very little. Now the photo I took with me is to be added to the letter requesting my residence card is being examined and to be honest I wouldn't say it met the US passport standards but it was affixed to the letter and I got my official temporary copy. Hopefully I will get my residence card in a few weeks.
Now TR and I need to scurry out and over to the Tax Authorities. It is now 11:30. I get dumped at the curb while TR parks the car. I rush in to get a number and wait. There is nothing really different here than a US IRS offices other than it is newer and cleaner than most. I get my paperwork ready and wait to be called. I get up to the window just about the time TR arrives, it is now 11:45. The Dutch are very friendly people in general and TR seems to know this woman so he chats her up a bit. The woman is a little distracted anyhow as it is almost lunch time and she wants to go (see no difference here again) to lunch. She had a difficult time reading the work permit sticker in my passport and mis-reads at first which was a little frightening. Now she has to fill out some form and go get someone to assign me my Social-Fiscal number (So-Fi) so back to waiting. At 11:55 I get my number.
We walk to the car which is parked about a block and drive to the bank of choice for most expats probably because it is Dutch state-owned bank. My next issue will talk about this and what banking is like in the Netherlands.
Lovely gate to the entrance of Vondelpark |
Not certain if this where you could put found lost items or art. |
Geese at Vondelpark |
Inside the WTC looking up at the ExpatCenter |
Swag from the ExpatCenter |
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