Thursday, August 25, 2016

Was that an earthquake?

I have been in a bit of a writer's block lately and have not been very good in sending posts for our current trip. I often feel that no one is really reading what we post or may not have any interest in our travels. But that is not an
excuse for letting you know that we were not in the Marche area of Italy that recently had the 6.2 earthquake.

We are currently in Pescara on the Adriatic side of Italy. We did feel the earthquake and when it happened I wasn't really sure if that was the cause or if I was having a dizzy spell. As someone said on CNN "I am from California so I knew what was happening."  Well as a child living in Japan I remember often being shook awake from the little temblors we felt but I never felt frightened then and still don't.  I do admit that while working in Emeryville in a building, on the 7th floor, built on the mudflats I was a bit concerned during one earthquake.

Back in 2014 we went from Pescara to L'Aquila which is an area that suffered from a 6.3 earthquake in 2009. The death toll for L'Aquila was around 300 with around 60,000 left homeless.  It was very heartbreaking to see the amount of damage and the number of lives lost. Here is the link to the photos we took then:

As the rebuilding of L'Aquila was full of corruption and really did not start until 2014 I am certain the rebuilding of the many hilltowns impact by the recent earthquake will not occur soon.

I wish those in Central Italy for a speedy recovery and sorrow for the loved ones lost. 

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