Sunday, June 18, 2017

Pizza Giro Italia

It has been awhile since I posted any updates so now would be a good time to let everyone know about our 2017 tour. Again we are heading to Italia with a short hop up to A'dam to see some friends and for me to enjoy the reopened Rijksmuseum (at last) and to drink some jenever at Wynand Fockink.

But why call this trip Pizza Giro you ask well that is easy to explain. Our first stop will be in Sorrento just across the Golfo di Napoli where the 2017 NPV (Napoli Pizza Village) will be held. The plan is to take the ferry across and walk down to where the festival will be held. If we don't see a pizza Dick will eat then there is always Sri Lankan food to eat. Yes, Sri Lankan restaurants are in Napoli. For the rest of the trip the plan is to sample pizza from each region of Italia. There are some regional pizzaz we are already aware of that we don't like. Tondo pizza may mean round but it doesn't mean it is cooked in a wood fired oven and pizza al ligna is what we consider the best.

The rest of the giro (tour) will have us taking the train down to Villa San Giovanni in Calabria. There we will take another ferry or hydrofoil to Messina Sicily. We have toured a lot of Sicily already and have sailed through the Strait of Messina but we did not get a chance to tour Messina. The original plan was to take the train to Taranto along the Ionian coastline of Italia. For those who understand know the Italian train system know that the schedule changes every 90 days or so. The train schedule changed but the trip will still take 7 hours and we will get to see the Ionian sea but not as much as we would have as our trip now takes us across La Sila. This part of Italia is what was once Magna Grecia but very little remains of the ancient Greek architecture and monuments that once thrived here. Many wars with neighboring villages seemed to bankrupt everyone. From Taranto we will continue on to Brindisi, Bari, Pescara, Desenzano del Garda, Firenze, and Roma. If you follow this on a map you will notice that the trip is being done antiorario.


The trip begins on June 20th and we will be back September 19th. See everyone soon.

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