Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Gringo Trails: Is tourism destroying the world?

I enjoy being a world traveller and I try to leave as little of an impact as possible in the place I am visiting. But just being some place means that you are impacting it, at times positively and at other times in a negative way. In many countries tourism is a major part of their GDP and they will just put up with the negative aspects until the system is too broke for repair. 

In this posting I have provided links to a short documentary by Pegi Vail. Please watch the trailer and plan to be a better world citizen when you travel on the only planet we have to live on.

Gringo Trails

Pegi Vail
2013 | 79 minutes | U.S., Bolivia, Thailand, Mali, Bhutan
World Premiere | Director in Attendance

A timely documentary raises urgent questions about how we travel and the unintended cultural and environmental consequences of tourism around the globe. 

Gringo Trails follows well-worn travelers’ routes through Latin America and beyond to Africa and Asia. The film reveals the complex relationships between colliding cultures, such as the host countries’ need for financial security and the tourists who provide it in their quest for authentic experiences. Through the stories of both travelers and locals, and with stunning footage from Bolivia, Thailand, Mali, and Bhutan, Gringo Trails explores the dramatic impact of travel and tourism around the world over the past 30 years.

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